Lisam Nederland B.V.; your interlocutor in ChemADVISOR

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Did you know that there are more than 4800 regulatory lists worldwide that report something about the legislation regarding the environment, health (health and safety), safety and transport? Lists that sometimes apply to your Safety Data Sheets (SDS)? The big question, of course, is; which one do you need to know? Where can you find a handy overview? In such a way that your products are ‘welcome’ anywhere in the world? The answer? On ChemADVISOR.

ChemADVISOR Dutch supported

ChemADVISOR is the most comprehensive regulatory database – LOLI (List of Lists). Here you will find all the rules that apply worldwide. Lisam Nederland B.V. is distributor and the point of contact of ChemADVISOR in the Netherlands.


  • You have easy access to all current (!) rules and laws from many countries regarding chemicals in the field of environment, health and safety
  • Do you know what should be on your Safety Data Sheets (SDS) when your goods go around the world?
  • Get clear advice on national and international regulations on labelling, product registration, transport and information about possible hazards
  • Prevents problems at the border!


ChemADVISOR has been collecting all regulations since 1986. It is a leading information provider in the chemical world. With ChemADVISOR you not only have access to these databases, you can also use the training and advice that ChemADVISOR offers.

  • Training courses – including on the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), VIB, REACH, transport, international risk communication and various regional and national regulations.
  • Advice – for example on the preparation and assessment of SDS and labels, the execution of hazard evaluations, GAP analyses (the difference between the existing and desired situation) or the correct registration of your chemicals.

Lisam Nederland B.V. is happy to help you!

Lisam Nederland B.V. is already your direct interlocutor for ChemADVISOR in the Netherlands. We will find the answer to all your questions.

LISAM ExESS Cosmetics